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utilities used to make development easier and maximize code reusability

User Input / Form Validation​


Client side validation as we know is just as important as server side. for this Formik with Yup

import * as yup from "yup";
export const loginValidationSchema = yup.object({
email: yup.string().email("Enter a valid email").required("Email is required."),
password: yup
.min(8, "Minimum of 8 characters")
.max(30, "Maximum of 30 characters")
.required("Password field is required."),
import * as yup from "yup";
const formik = useFormik({
initialValues: {
email: "",
password: "",
validationSchema: loginValidationSchema,
onSubmit: loginFormSubmitHandler,


On the backend, user input validation is handled by Express Validator
Different Types of validation is done in this controller
body("email").trim().isEmail().normalizeEmail().withMessage("Email is Invalid"),
body("password").trim().isLength({ min: 8, max: 30 }).withMessage("Password is Invalid"),

Error Handling​

Error Handling is handled by 1 helper function and 1 middleware to minimize the work This function returns an Error Object it is just so we can easily pass an errorMessage and errorCode rather than manually setting it after creating a new Error object.

module.exports = (errorMessage, errorCode) => {
const newErr = new Error(errorMessage);
newErr.statusCode = errorCode || 500;
return newErr;


This is how i normally handle error and pass an error code

const foundUser = await userModel.findOne({ email: email });
if (!foundUser) {
const newErr = new Error("Invalid Email");
newErr.statusCode = 422;
throw newErr;

With the Helper Function

const foundUser = await userModel.findOne({ email: email });
if (!foundUser) throw newError("Invalid Email", 422);

it makes handling error and attach a statusCode easy