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  • User's can create and delete post's.
  • All posts are public
  • Admins can do CRUD on post's

Image Processing​

  • CL = compression level
  • Image used = Sample Image 151kb
  • All images are converted png ( bad implementation )

    Converting to png results into more image file size 🤦🤦🤦

Packages Used​

  1. Imagescript deno
  2. Sharpjs
  3. Browser Image Compression
Supabase ServerVercel Server
No Compression138.11 KB95.46 KB
Client Side Compression113.97 KB94.69 KB
Server Side Compression127.85 KB26.65 KB
Supabase ServerVercel Server
No CompressionImagescript

Client Side Compression
Browser Image Compression
CL9 + Imagescript
Browser Image Compression
CL9 + Sharpjs
Server Side CompressionImagescript

Client/Server Side Validation​

Both in the Server and Client, this project uses the combination of Yup and Formik to validate post's data

Image Validation​

Different validation methods for different packages are applied this is the one used for for formidable which will validate the file type and file size

// import { File as formidableFile } from "formidable";
// file is temporarily typed as any Formidable having issues with nextjs
export const formidableFileValidation = (file: any, allowedFileTypes: string[]) => {
let error: { message: string } | null = null;
let message = "";

// Check if it's a PersistentFile formidable file
if (!file?.mimetype) message += "Invalid received data is not a file";

// Check file type
if (file.mimetype) {
const mimetype = file.mimetype;
if (!allowedFileTypes.some((fileType) => fileType === mimetype.split("/").pop())) {
message += "Invalid file type";

// Max 10MB
// Client feedback shows 8MB making extra room for the server side image processing
if (file.size > 8_000_000) message += "File exceeds maximum size (8MB)";
if (!!message) error = { message };

return { error };

Browser Image Compression offer's client side validation

if (compressionMethod === "client") imgFile = await imageCompression(image, { maxSizeMB: 10 });

Keyword Analysis​


fetching post's is dead simple by using the supabase sdk and we are only selecting the columns that we need for the keyword analysis id, description, author

  const fetchPostDescriptions = async (supabase: SupabaseClient<DatabaseTypes>) => {
return await supabase.from("posts").select("id,description,author");


this function will take the data and the search query string and will output the following

total_UsersUsing_X_inTheirDesc: seenAuthors.size,
// Refer to X as the "search query string"
export const postsKeywordAnalysis = (
posts: { id: number; description: string; author: string }[] | null,
searchString: string
) => {
if (!posts || searchString.length === 0) return null;
const totalPosts = posts.length;
let total_OccurenceOf_X_InDesc = 0;
let total_OccurenceOf_X_InEachPostDescription_WithId: { id: number; searchStringOccurenceCount: number }[] = [];

// We are using a set so the users id won't be duplicated
const seenAuthors = new Set<string>();

for (let i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
const descriptionHasSearchString = posts[i].description.toLowerCase().includes(searchString.toLowerCase());

if (descriptionHasSearchString) {
const occurenceOfXinTheCurrentDescription = countOccurrences(posts[i].description, searchString);
total_OccurenceOf_X_InDesc += occurenceOfXinTheCurrentDescription;
id: posts[i].id,
searchStringOccurenceCount: occurenceOfXinTheCurrentDescription,
if (descriptionHasSearchString) seenAuthors.add(posts[i].author);

return {
total_UsersUsing_X_inTheirDesc: seenAuthors.size,