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Adding Slash Commands

This template makes adding command easier as upon a new command is requested a function will loop through the commands folder to fetch then and to execute a specific command requested. same process is done when registering the commands so you don't have to manually hard-code commands to process them

1. Add a new TS File in the Command directory​

the commands directory is located in /commands (root folder) and add a new TS File there

2. Add register and execute​

  • the command title/name should match the command.ts file for ex. for ping command you should name the file ping.ts
  • Don't change register and execute variable names

2 values should be exported in a new slash command which are the register and execute


This is the variable used when we are going to register our commands using the discord api

export const register = new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("pong's you back! (bot check)");


This function is executed when a user calls a specific command

export const execute = async (
interaction: APIApplicationCommandInteraction
): Promise<APIInteractionResponse> => {
// Bot Logic Here
return {
type: 4,
data: {
content: `pong! ${interaction.member?.user.username}`,


import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
import { executeCommand } from "@/types";

// to add a command go to ./commands folder and create a new ts file

// the command title/name should match the command.ts file for
// ex. for tutorialhere command you should name the file tutorialhere.ts

// Don't change register and execute variable names
export const register = new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("description of your command");

export const execute: executeCommand = async (interaction) => {
// You have access to do interaction object

// Do your bot logic here
// You can even connect to a database

// you should return a APIInteractionResponse
return {
type: 4,
data: {
content: `Hello World! ${interaction.member?.user.username}`,