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Ashera Notes are just text documents with title and a content. We are using onSnapshot to update the UI everytime a change in the database is made.

  useEffect(() => {
const curUserId = auth?.uid;
if (!curUserId) return;
const q = query(notesRef, where("noteAuthor", "==", curUserId));
onSnapshot(q, (snapshot) => {
const notes: noteDetails[] = []; => {
const note = as noteDetails;
notes.push({ ...note, noteId: });
}, [auth]);

Creating Notes​

Creating Notes is straightforward, the user needs to be signed in and we are using the addDoc firestore method to do operations

export const addNote = async (noteDetails: noteDetail) => {
const author = authFB.currentUser?.uid!;
if (!author) return;
const noteInfo: noteNoId = { ...noteDetails, noteAuthor: author };
const result = await addDoc(notesRef, noteInfo);
return result;

Deleting Notes​

Deleting notes only needs a noteId and using the Cloud Firestore Security Rules only users who owns that note can delete it.

export const deleteNote = async (noteId: string) => {
const result = await deleteDoc(doc(notesRef, noteId));
return result;

Editing Notes​

Form for editing a note is the same as Creating a note but instead some props are present and therefore changes how the form behave

const submitNoteHandler = async (e?: React.FormEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {
if (e) e.preventDefault();
const noteDetails = {
noteContent: content,
noteTitle: title,
if (id) {
await editNote(noteDetails, id);
} else {
await addNote(noteDetails);
export const editNote = async (noteDetails: noteDetail, noteId: string) => {
const author = authFB.currentUser?.uid!;
if (!author) return;
const noteInfo: noteNoId = { ...noteDetails, noteAuthor: author };
const result = await updateDoc(doc(firestoreDB, "Notes", noteId), { ...noteInfo });
return result;