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Ashera Tasks are organized in Task Sections, Each section has a name and tasks can be created inside of each section. We are using onSnapshot to update the UI everytime a change in the database is made.

  useEffect(() => {
const curUserId = auth?.uid;
if (!curUserId) return;
const q = query(taskSectionRef, where("author", "==", curUserId));
onSnapshot(q, (snapshot) => {
const sections: TS[] = []; => {
const section = as TS;
sections.push({ ...section, id: });
setAllTaskSection(sections.sort((a, b) => a.createdAt.seconds - b.createdAt.seconds));
}, [auth]);

Task Section​

Creating Task Section only needs a Task Section Name and a user to be authenticated. Firebase really makes creating and deleting a doc really easy with their built in functions addDoc and deleteDoc from firestore.

//Refer to firebase section for imports and setups
export const addNewTaskSection = async (taskSectionName: string) => {
const userId = authFB.currentUser?.uid!;
if (!userId) return;
await addDoc(taskSectionRef, {
author: userId,
tasks: [],
createdAt: serverTimestamp(),

export const deleteTaskSection = async (sectionId: string) => {
const userId = authFB.currentUser?.uid!;
if (!userId) return;
return await deleteDoc(doc(taskSectionRef, sectionId));


Creating and Deleting a Task is basically just the same as Creating and Deleting Task Section

//Refer to firebase section for imports and setups
export const addTask = async (taskSectionId: string, taskName: string) => {
const userId = authFB.currentUser?.uid!;
if (!userId) return;
return await updateDoc(doc(firestoreDB, "TaskSections", taskSectionId), {
tasks: arrayUnion(taskName),

export const deleteTask = async (taskSectionId: string, taskName: string) => {
return await updateDoc(doc(firestoreDB, "TaskSections", taskSectionId), {
tasks: arrayRemove(taskName),